
You have up to 30 days from the delivery date to return your purchase if you decide it needs to be corrected (s). Our team is available to assist. You can return any product purchased from Sofa Studio, even if you change your mind.

Please ensure your purchase is in like-new condition and that you have the original packaging to ensure a smooth return. A return shipping fee for delivery will be charged for returns made inside our standard service area; a delivery return shipping fee may be charged for specific smaller items. Return fees in the same amount as the forward shipping price apply to returns made outside our standard service region.

Please be aware that all returns need to be sent in their original Sofa Studio packaging. There is an additional repackaging cost per item if you still need to get the original packaging available.

Our team will inspect the item once it gets back to our warehouse. We will refund less outbound and return shipping costs and any repackaging fees (if applicable), provided it is in like-new condition.

Need help?

Contact us at info@sofastudio.ca for questions related to refunds and returns.

All terms and conditions are applicable for ONLINE ORDERS